Finding a constrained number of predictor phenotypes for multiple outcome prediction. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Reps JM, Wong J, Fridgeirsson EA, Kim C, John LH, Williams RD, Fisher RR, Ryan PB Abbreviation BMJ Health Care Inform Volume 32 Issue 1 Publication Date 2025-01-16
Collaborative pharmacy research across integrated health systems: A purpose and promise for opportunities to study the complete medication-use process. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Olson AW, Miller MJ, Pawloski PA, Waring SC, Kuntz JL, Li X, Wong J, Wright EA Abbreviation Am J Health Syst Pharm Publication Date 2024-09-26
Tree-based scan statistics to generate drug repurposing hypotheses: a test case using sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Tan GSQ, Maro JC, Wang SV, Toh S, Morton JI, Ilomäki J, Wong J, Li X Abbreviation Am J Epidemiol Publication Date 2024-09-11
Using Claims Data to Predict Pre-Operative BMI Among Bariatric Surgery Patients: Development of the BMI Before Bariatric Surgery Scoring System (B3S3). (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Li X, Arterburn DE, Li D, Messenger-Jones E, Wang R, Toh S Abbreviation Pragmat Obs Res Volume 15 Publication Date 2024-03-27
Combining meta-analysis with multiple imputation for one-step, privacy-protecting estimation of causal treatment effects in multi-site studies. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Shu D, Li X, Her Q, Wong J, Li D, Wang R, Toh S Abbreviation Res Synth Methods Volume 14 Issue 5 Publication Date 2023-08-01
Does Using a Stacking Ensemble Method to Combine Multiple Base Learners Within a Database Improve Model Transportability? (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Yang C, Fridgeirsson EA, Kors JA, Reps JM, Rijnbeek PR, Wong J, Williams RD Abbreviation Stud Health Technol Inform Volume 302 Publication Date 2023-05-20
Imputing Missing Covariates in Time-to-event Analysis within Distributed Research Networks: A Simulation Study. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Li D, Wong J, Li X, Toh S, Wang R Abbreviation Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf Volume 32 Issue 3 Publication Date 2023-03
Applying Machine Learning in Distributed Data Networks for Pharmacoepidemiologic and Pharmacovigilance Studies: Opportunities, Challenges, and Considerations. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Prieto-Alhambra D, Rijnbeek PR, Desai RJ, Reps JM, Toh S Abbreviation Drug Saf Volume 45 Issue 5 Publication Date 2022-05-17
Electronic phenotyping of health outcomes of interest using a linked claims-electronic health record database: Findings from a machine learning pilot project. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Gibson TB, Nguyen MD, Burrell T, Yoon F, Wong J, Dharmarajan S, Ouellet-Hellstrom R, Hua W, Ma Y, Baro E, Bloemers S, Pack C, Kennedy A, Toh S, Ball R Abbreviation J Am Med Inform Assoc Publication Date 2021-03-13
Risk of In-Hospital Falls among Medications Commonly Used for Insomnia in Hospitalized Patients. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Herzig SJ, Rothberg MB, Moss CR, Maddaleni G, Bertisch SM, Wong J, Zhou W, Ngo L, Anderson TS, Gurwitz JH, Marcantonio ER Abbreviation Sleep Publication Date 2021-03-12
Trends in Dispensing of Zolpidem and Low-Dose Trazodone Among Commercially Insured Adults in the United States, 2011-2018. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Murray Horwitz M, Bertisch SM, Herzig SJ, Buysse DJ, Toh S Abbreviation JAMA Volume 324 Issue 21 Publication Date 2020-12-03
Significant correlation versus strength of correlation. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Her QL, Wong J Abbreviation Am J Health Syst Pharm Publication Date 2019-12-26
Can hyperparameter tuning improve the performance of a super learner? A case study. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Manderson T, Abrahamowicz M, Buckeridge DL, Tamblyn R Abbreviation Epidemiology Publication Date 2019-04-08
Using machine learning to identify health outcomes from electronic health record data. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Horwitz MM, Zhou L, Toh S Abbreviation Curr Epidemiol Rep Volume 5 Issue 4 Publication Date 2018-09-20
Assessing the accuracy of using diagnostic codes from administrative data to infer antidepressant treatment indications: a validation study. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Abrahamowicz M, Buckeridge DL, Tamblyn R Abbreviation Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf Publication Date 2018-04-23
Derivation and validation of a multivariable model to predict when primary care physicians prescribe antidepressants for indications other than depression. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Abrahamowicz M, Buckeridge DL, Tamblyn R Abbreviation Clin Epidemiol Volume 10 Publication Date 2018-04-18
Using mobile devices for inpatient rounding and handoffs: an innovative application developed and rapidly adopted by clinicians in a pediatric hospital. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Motulsky A, Wong J, Cordeau JP, Pomalaza J, Barkun J, Tamblyn R Abbreviation J Am Med Inform Assoc Volume 24 Issue e1 Publication Date 2017-04-01
Off-label indications for antidepressants in primary care: descriptive study of prescriptions from an indication based electronic prescribing system. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Motulsky A, Abrahamowicz M, Eguale T, Buckeridge DL, Tamblyn R Abbreviation BMJ Volume 356 Publication Date 2017-02-21
A Dynamic Predictive Model for Progression of CKD. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Tangri N, Inker LA, Hiebert B, Wong J, Naimark D, Kent D, Levey AS Abbreviation Am. J. Kidney Dis. Volume 69 Issue 4 Publication Date 2016-09-29
Treatment Indications for Antidepressants Prescribed in Primary Care in Quebec, Canada, 2006-2015. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Motulsky A, Eguale T, Buckeridge DL, Abrahamowicz M, Tamblyn R Abbreviation JAMA Volume 315 Issue 20 Publication Date 2016-05-24
A cross-sectional, population-based study of HIV physicians and outpatient health care use by people with HIV in Ontario. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Kendall CE, Wong J, Taljaard M, Glazier RH, Hogg W, Younger J, Manuel DG Abbreviation BMC Health Serv Res Volume 15 Publication Date 2015-02-15
Epidemiology and outcomes of bloodstream infections in patients discharged from the emergency department. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Chan J, Wong J, Saginur R, Forster AJ, van Walraven C Abbreviation CJEM Volume 17 Issue 1 Publication Date 2015-01
Validation of international algorithms to identify adults with inflammatory bowel disease in health administrative data from Ontario, Canada. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Benchimol EI, Guttmann A, Mack DR, Nguyen GC, Marshall JK, Gregor JC, Wong J, Forster AJ, Manuel DG Abbreviation J Clin Epidemiol Volume 67 Issue 8 Publication Date 2014-04-26
A cross-sectional, population-based study measuring comorbidity among people living with HIV in Ontario. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Kendall CE, Wong J, Taljaard M, Glazier RH, Hogg W, Younger J, Manuel DG Abbreviation BMC Public Health Volume 14 Publication Date 2014-02-13
Independent influence of negative blood cultures and bloodstream infections on in-hospital mortality. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J Abbreviation BMC Infect. Dis. Volume 14 Publication Date 2014-01-21
Influence of neighborhood household income on early death or urgent hospital readmission. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Forster AJ Abbreviation J Hosp Med Volume 8 Issue 5 Publication Date 2013-04-10
Predicting post-discharge death or readmission: deterioration of model performance in population having multiple admissions per patient. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Forster AJ, Hawken S Abbreviation J Eval Clin Pract Volume 19 Issue 6 Publication Date 2012-11-19
Comparing methods to calculate hospital-specific rates of early death or urgent readmission. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Hawken S, Forster AJ Abbreviation CMAJ Volume 184 Issue 15 Publication Date 2012-10-09
International variation in medication prescription rates among elderly patients with inflammatory bowel disease. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Benchimol EI, Cook SF, Erichsen R, Long MD, Bernstein CN, Wong J, Carroll CF, Frøslev T, Sampson T, Kappelman MD Abbreviation J Crohns Colitis Volume 7 Issue 11 Publication Date 2012-09-25
LACE+ index: extension of a validated index to predict early death or urgent readmission after hospital discharge using administrative data. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Forster AJ Abbreviation Open Med Volume 6 Issue 3 Publication Date 2012-07-19
Derivation and validation of a diagnostic score based on case-mix groups to predict 30-day death or urgent readmission. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Forster AJ Abbreviation Open Med Volume 6 Issue 3 Publication Date 2012-07-19
Addition of time-dependent covariates to a survival model significantly improved predictions for daily risk of hospital death. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Taljaard M, Forster AJ, Escobar GJ, van Walraven C Abbreviation J Eval Clin Pract Volume 19 Issue 2 Publication Date 2012-03-12
The Procedural Index for Mortality Risk (PIMR): an index calculated using administrative data to quantify the independent influence of procedures on risk of hospital death. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Bennett C, Forster AJ Abbreviation BMC Health Serv Res Volume 11 Publication Date 2011-10-07
Influence of house-staff experience on teaching-hospital mortality: the "July phenomenon" revisited. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Jennings A, Wong J, Forster AJ Abbreviation J Hosp Med Volume 6 Issue 7 Publication Date 2011-09-01
Derivation and validation of a model to predict daily risk of death in hospital. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Taljaard M, Forster AJ, Escobar GJ, van Walraven C Abbreviation Med Care Volume 49 Issue 8 Publication Date 2011-08-01
The influence of incidental abdominal aortic aneurysm monitoring on patient outcomes. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Morant K, Jennings A, Austin PC, Jetty P, Forster AJ Abbreviation J. Vasc. Surg. Volume 54 Issue 5 Publication Date 2011-07-31
Does adding risk-trends to survival models improve in-hospital mortality predictions? A cohort study. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wong J, Taljaard M, Forster AJ, van Walraven C Abbreviation BMC Health Serv Res Volume 11 Publication Date 2011-07-21
Radiographic monitoring of incidental abdominal aortic aneurysms: a retrospective population-based cohort study. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Morant K, Jennings A, Austin PC, Jetty P, Forster AJ Abbreviation Open Med Volume 5 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-04-12