Faculty Directory

Stephen Soumerai
Stephen Soumerai has published nearly 300 original scientific articles in leading medical journals, such as the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association. He is well known nationally and internationally for his work on the impacts of scientifically unsubstantiated health policies on underuse of essential medications, including unintended effects of severe FDA antidepressant warnings on reductions in mental health care and increased suicide deaths among youth. His research on health insurance coverage among vulnerable populations led to expanded economic access to medications in Medicaid and Medicare.
Dr. Soumerai has published numerous op-eds in leading news outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Vox, STAT News, The Washington Post, Newsweek, The Huffington Post, and The Boston Globe on subjects including elimination of coverage gaps in the Medicare drug benefit, adverse consequences of rushed nationwide implementation of health IT, under-treatment of pain, drug coverage in Massachusetts health reform plans, state censorship of health research, poor efficacy of pay-for-performance policies, and arbitrary economic penalties for hospital readmissions.