Exercise Training in Pregnancy for obese women (ETIP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Moholdt TT, Salvesen K, Ingul CB, Vik T, Oken E, Mørkved S Abbreviation Trials Volume 12 Publication Date 2011-06-17
Supplement use and risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Asgari MM, Chren MM, Warton EM, Friedman GD, White E Abbreviation J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. Volume 65 Issue 6 Publication Date 2011-06-12
Propensity score-based sensitivity analysis method for uncontrolled confounding. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Li L, Shen C, Wu AC, Li X Abbreviation Am. J. Epidemiol. Volume 174 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-06-09
A systematic review of failures in handoff communication during intrahospital transfers. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Ong MS, Coiera E Abbreviation Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf Volume 37 Issue 6 Publication Date 2011-06-01
Associations of growth trajectories in infancy and early childhood with later childhood outcomes. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Tilling K, Davies NM, Nicoli E, Ben-Shlomo Y, Kramer MS, Patel R, Oken E, Martin RM Abbreviation Am. J. Clin. Nutr. Volume 94 Issue 6 Suppl Publication Date 2011-06-01
Near real-time vaccine safety surveillance with partially accrued data. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Greene SK, Kulldorff M, Yin R, Yih WK, Lieu TA, Weintraub ES, Lee GM Abbreviation Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf Volume 20 Issue 6 Publication Date 2011-06-01
West Nile virus encephalitis acquired via liver transplantation and clinical response to intravenous immunoglobulin: case report and review of the literature. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Rhee C, Eaton EF, Concepcion W, Blackburn BG Abbreviation Transpl Infect Dis Volume 13 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-06-01
Reliability of a patient survey assessing cost-related changes in health care use among high deductible health plan enrollees. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Penfold RB, Kullgren JT, Miroshnik I, Galbraith AA, Hinrichsen VL, Lieu TA Abbreviation BMC Health Serv Res Volume 11 Publication Date 2011-05-27
Emergency department utilization after the implementation of Massachusetts health reform. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Smulowitz PB, Lipton R, Wharam JF, Adelman L, Weiner SG, Burke L, Baugh CW, Schuur JD, Liu SW, McGrath ME, Liu B, Sayah A, Burke MC, Pope JH, Landon BE Abbreviation Ann Emerg Med Volume 58 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-05-12
Five-year rehospitalization outcomes in a cohort of patients with acute ischemic stroke: Medicare linkage study (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Lakshminarayan K, Schissel C, Anderson DC, Vazquez G, Jacobs DR Jr, Ezzeddine M, Luepker RV, Virnig BA Abbreviation Stroke Volume 42 Issue 6 Publication Date 2011-05-01
A simulation framework for mapping risks in clinical processes: the case of in-patient transfers. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Dunn AG, Ong MS, Westbrook JI, Magrabi F, Coiera E, Wobcke W Abbreviation J Am Med Inform Assoc Volume 18 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-05-01
Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmission from the female oropharynx to the male urethra. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Marcus JL, Kohn RP, Barry PM, Philip SS, Bernstein KT Abbreviation Sex Transm Dis Volume 38 Issue 5 Publication Date 2011-05-01
Access to care and medicines, burden of health care expenditures, and risk protection: results from the World Health Survey. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wagner AK, Graves AJ, Reiss SK, Lecates R, Zhang F, Ross-Degnan D Abbreviation Health Policy Volume 100 Issue 2-3 Publication Date 2011-05-01
Household expenditures for medicines and the role of free medicines in the Brazilian public health system. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Bertoldi AD, Barros AJ, Camargo AL, Hallal PC, Vandoros S, Wagner A, Ross-Degnan D Abbreviation Am J Public Health Volume 101 Issue 5 Publication Date 2011-05-01
Early CMV viremia is associated with impaired viral control following nonmyeloablative hematopoietic cell transplantation with a total lymphoid irradiation and antithymocyte globulin preparative regimen. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Schaenman JM, Shashidhar S, Rhee C, Wong J, Navato S, Wong RM, Ho DY, Arai S, Johnston L, Brown JM Abbreviation Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant. Volume 17 Issue 5 Publication Date 2011-05-01
The importance of high-quality evidence of the long-term impact of nonfatal events used in randomized controlled trials: a case study of prasugrel. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Lu CY, Karnon J, Sorich MJ Abbreviation Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. Volume 90 Issue 1 Publication Date 2011-04-27
Barriers in identification and referral to genetic counseling for familial cancer risk: the perspective of genetic service providers. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Rolnick SJ, Rahm AK, Jackson JM, Nekhlyudov L, Goddard KA, Field T, McCarty C, Nakasato C, Roblin D, Anderson CP, Valdez R Abbreviation J Genet Couns Volume 20 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-04-19
Immunization-safety monitoring systems for the 2009 H1N1 monovalent influenza vaccination program. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Salmon DA, Akhtar A, Mergler MJ, Vannice KS, Izurieta H, Ball R, Lee GM, Vellozzi C, Garman P, Cunningham F, Gellin B, Koh H, Lurie N, Abbreviation Pediatrics Volume 127 Suppl 1 Publication Date 2011-04-18
Active surveillance for adverse events: the experience of the Vaccine Safety Datalink project. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Yih WK, Kulldorff M, Fireman BH, Shui IM, Lewis EM, Klein NP, Baggs J, Weintraub ES, Belongia EA, Naleway A, Gee J, Platt R, Lieu TA Abbreviation Pediatrics Volume 127 Suppl 1 Publication Date 2011-04-18
Radiographic monitoring of incidental abdominal aortic aneurysms: a retrospective population-based cohort study. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors van Walraven C, Wong J, Morant K, Jennings A, Austin PC, Jetty P, Forster AJ Abbreviation Open Med Volume 5 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-04-12
Early uptake of breast magnetic resonance imaging in a community-based medical practice, 2000-2004. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Stout NK, Nekhlyudov L Abbreviation J Womens Health (Larchmt) Volume 20 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-04-12
Skin cancer education for primary care physicians: a systematic review of published evaluated interventions. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Goulart JM, Quigley EA, Dusza S, Jewell ST, Alexander G, Asgari MM, Eide MJ, Fletcher SW, Geller AC, Marghoob AA, Weinstock MA, Halpern AC, Abbreviation J Gen Intern Med Volume 26 Issue 9 Publication Date 2011-04-07
Determinants of patient-reported medication errors: a comparison among seven countries. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Lu CY, Roughead E Abbreviation Int. J. Clin. Pract. Volume 65 Issue 7 Publication Date 2011-04-06
Repeat syphilis among men who have sex with men--San Diego County, 2004-2009. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Katz KA, Lee MA, Gray T, Marcus JL, Pierce EF Abbreviation Sex Transm Dis Volume 38 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-04-01
HCV infection as an emerging sexually transmitted disease. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Marcus JL, Katz KA Abbreviation MLO Med Lab Obs Volume 43 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-04-01
Multicenter evaluation of a novel surveillance paradigm for complications of mechanical ventilation. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Klompas M, Khan Y, Kleinman K, Evans RS, Lloyd JF, Stevenson K, Samore M, Platt R, Abbreviation PLoS ONE Volume 6 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-03-22
Patterns and risk factors of locoregional recurrence in T1-T2 node negative breast cancer patients treated with mastectomy: implications for postmastectomy radiotherapy. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Abi-Raad R, Boutrus R, Wang R, Niemierko A, Macdonald S, Smith B, Taghian AG Abbreviation Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. Volume 81 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-03-21
Development of novel combination therapies (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Woodcock J, Griffin JP, Behrman RE Abbreviation N Engl J Med Volume 364 Issue 11 Publication Date 2011-03-17
Effect of switching to a high-deductible health plan on use of chronic medications. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Reiss SK, Ross-Degnan D, Zhang F, Soumerai SB, Zaslavsky AM, Wharam JF Abbreviation Health Serv Res Volume 46 Issue 5 Publication Date 2011-03-17
Altitude, life expectancy and mortality from ischaemic heart disease, stroke, COPD and cancers: national population-based analysis of US counties. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Ezzati M, Horwitz ME, Thomas DS, Friedman AB, Roach R, Clark T, Murray CJ, Honigman B Abbreviation J Epidemiol Community Health Volume 66 Issue 7 Publication Date 2011-03-15
Updated genetic score based on 34 confirmed type 2 diabetes Loci is associated with diabetes incidence and regression to normoglycemia in the diabetes prevention program. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Hivert MF, Jablonski KA, Perreault L, Saxena R, McAteer JB, Franks PW, Hamman RF, Kahn SE, Haffner S, , Meigs JB, Altshuler D, Knowler WC, Florez JC, Abbreviation Diabetes Volume 60 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-03-04
Financing vaccines for adolescents: a position paper of the society for adolescent health and medicine. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Kharbanda EO, Lee GM, Koenigs L, Abbreviation J Adolesc Health Volume 48 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-03-01
Migraine frequency and health utilities: findings from a multisite survey. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Brown JS, Neumann PJ, Papadopoulos G, Ruoff G, Diamond M, Menzin J Abbreviation Value Health Volume 11 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-03
Caution in generalizing Part D results to Medicare population. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Briesacher BA, Madden JM, Soumerai SB Abbreviation Arch. Intern. Med. Volume 171 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-02-28
Caution in generalizing Part D results to Medicare population. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Briesacher BA, Madden JM, Soumerai SB Abbreviation Arch. Intern. Med. Volume 171 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-02-28
Longitudinal association of maternal attempt to lose weight during the postpartum period and child obesity at age 3 years. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Sonneville KR, Rifas-Shiman SL, Oken E, Peterson KE, Gortmaker SL, Gillman MW, Taveras EM Abbreviation Obesity (Silver Spring) Volume 19 Issue 10 Publication Date 2011-02-24
Micro-NMR for rapid molecular analysis of human tumor samples. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Haun JB, Castro CM, Wang R, Peterson VM, Marinelli BS, Lee H, Weissleder R Abbreviation Sci Transl Med Volume 3 Issue 71 Publication Date 2011-02-23
Social network analysis of patient sharing among hospitals in Orange County, California. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Lee BY, McGlone SM, Song Y, Avery TR, Eubank S, Chang CC, Bailey RR, Wagener DK, Burke DS, Platt R, Huang SS Abbreviation Am J Public Health Volume 101 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-02-17
Prenatal fatty acid status and child adiposity at age 3 y: results from a US pregnancy cohort. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Donahue SM, Rifas-Shiman SL, Gold DR, Jouni ZE, Gillman MW, Oken E Abbreviation Am. J. Clin. Nutr. Volume 93 Issue 4 Publication Date 2011-02-10
Transmission of single and multiple viral variants in primary HIV-1 subtype C infection. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Novitsky V, Wang R, Margolin L, Baca J, Rossenkhan R, Moyo S, van Widenfelt E, Essex M Abbreviation PLoS ONE Volume 6 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-02-09
Disclosing individual CDKN2A research results to melanoma survivors: interest, impact, and demands on researchers. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Christensen KD, Roberts JS, Shalowitz DI, Everett JN, Kim SY, Raskin L, Gruber SB Abbreviation Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. Volume 20 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-02-09
Timing of solid food introduction and risk of obesity in preschool-aged children. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Huh SY, Rifas-Shiman SL, Taveras EM, Oken E, Gillman MW Abbreviation Pediatrics Volume 127 Issue 3 Publication Date 2011-02-07
Predictors of symptoms are different from predictors of severe exacerbations from asthma in children. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Wu AC, Tantisira K, Li L, Schuemann B, Weiss ST, Fuhlbrigge AL, Abbreviation Chest Volume 140 Issue 1 Publication Date 2011-02-03
Role of postmarketing surveillance in contemporary medicine (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Woodcock J, Behrman RE, Dal Pan GJ Abbreviation Annu Rev Med Volume 62 Publication Date 2011-02-01
Reduction in unnecessary Chlamydia screening among older women at title X-funded family planning sites following a structural intervention--San Francisco, 2009. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Bernstein KT, Marcus JL, Snell A, Liska S, Rauch L, Philip SS Abbreviation Sex Transm Dis Volume 38 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-02-01
Association between prior authorization for medications and health service use by Medicaid patients with bipolar disorder. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Lu CY, Adams AS, Ross-Degnan D, Zhang F, Zhang Y, Salzman C, Soumerai SB Abbreviation Psychiatr Serv Volume 62 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-02-01
New Jersey's efforts to improve postpartum depression care did not change treatment patterns for women on medicaid. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Kozhimannil KB, Adams AS, Soumerai SB, Busch AB, Huskamp HA Abbreviation Health Aff (Millwood) Volume 30 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-02-01
Nearly half of families in high-deductible health plans whose members have chronic conditions face substantial financial burden. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Galbraith AA, Ross-Degnan D, Soumerai SB, Rosenthal MB, Gay C, Lieu TA Abbreviation Health Aff (Millwood) Volume 30 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-02-01
Comment: Assessment of Changes in Utilization of Health-Care Services After Implementation of a Prior Authorization Policy for Atypical Antipsychotic Agents. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Faden L, Soumerai SB Abbreviation Ann Pharmacother Volume 45 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-02-01
Time and geographical variations in utilization of endocrine therapy for breast cancer in Australia. (Pubmed Abstract) Authors Vitry AI, Thai LP, Lu CY Abbreviation Intern Med J Volume 41 Issue 2 Publication Date 2011-02-01