Age 11.5 years

PROBIT Home | 0 - 12 months | 6.5 years | 11.5 years | 16 years | Publications | Collaborate

January 2008 - December 2010

We conducted additional evaluations of study participants at age 11.5 years.  Researchers collected data from 13,879 children (81% of initial participants) on growth, adiposity, blood pressure, capillary blood glucose, and obtained filter paper blood spots after an overnight fast to measure insulin and other markers of cardiometabolic disease risk.

Intention to treat analyses of the 11.5-year data demonstrated that the randomized intervention that the intervention did not affect adiposity, insulin-like growth factor-I, or other cardiometabolic health outcomes (Martin et al, Circulation, 2014; Martin et al, JAMA, 2013).  The experimental intervention was associated with a reduction in problematic eating attitudes, however, assessed using the Children’s Eating Attitude Test (ChEAT) (Skugarevsky et al, Int J Epidemiol, 2014). Upon further follow-up, problematic eating attitudes in mid-childhood were related to the development of obesity in adolescence, a relatively novel observation with potentially important public health implications for obesity control (Wade et al, Am J Clin Nutr., 2017).  Among PROBIT mothers, the intervention did not result in an important lowering of adiposity or BP at 11.5 years after birth (Oken et al, Am J Clin Nutr. 2013).

Principal Investigators, 2008 - 2010

Michael Kramer, MD: McGill University, Quebec, Canada
Richard M. Martin, B.Med.Sci., B.M., B.S., M.Sc., M.R.C.G.P., PhD: University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Emily Oken, MD, MPH: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, United States of America

Collaborators, 2008 - 2010

Belarus: Konstantin Vilchuck, MD; Natalia Bogdanovich, MD; Natalia Sergeichick, PhD; Nina Gusina, PhD; Oleg Skugarevsky, MD; Lydia Matush, MD
United States: Matthew Gillman, MD, SM
United Kingdom: George Davey SMith, MA, MD, BChir, MSc

2008 - 2010 Study Documents

Selected Publications