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Code Lookup Tool

The Code Lookup Tool (CLT) a web-based database application developed by the Sentinel network designed to make it easy and consistent to search and build code lists from data supplied by the MCM system and build code lists for data requests. Users do not need to know a programming language. Many features are provided to facilitate code list building; for example, the program can suggest additional terms to expand the code list based on the terms selected by the user icons.

Test Case Inserter (TCI)

The Test Case Inserter (TCI) is a purpose-built command-line program that expedites the PopMedNet development and validation process as it accurately creates synthetic databases that adhere to any common data model, such as Sentinel and ad hoc databases. This addresses the usual time-intensive process of generating test data in multiple RDBMS. Additionally, this allows us to validate that the new PMN MDQs are accurate and consistent across the different database flavors.

Key Features:

  • Generates databases according to data format (e.g. Common Data Model or  CDM) specifications
  • Custom program that enables users to easily insert synthetic data into a relational database management system (RDBMS) without requiring the user to have SQL programming skills
  • Supports PMM Menu-Driven Query (MDQ) validation and MDQ prototypes for targeting new data sources

Medical Code Management Tool

The Medical code Management Tool (MCM) is a web-based application designed by the Sentinel network as a mechanism to have a comprehensive, consistent set of medical code terminologies available with which to build data requests. It includes:

  • An Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process: A process to extract medical codes from lookup resources, transform them according to Sentinel specifications, and load them in the MCM database
  • Application programming interfaces (API’s): A set of programs to make the data from the MCM database available to the MCM web-based tool, PopMedNet™ (PMN), and the Code Lookup Tool (CLT) described in the next section
  • The MCM web-based tool from which analysts and programmers can download code resources to run their program against

Source of MCM Data

Code terminologysource
CODBARCDC's National Healthcare Safety Network
NDCFirst Databank
ISBTInternational Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA)
ICD-9-PCS Optum
ICD-10-CM Optum
ICD-10-PCS Optum
ICD-9-CM — ICD-10-CM mapping*CMS General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs)
ICD-9-PCS — ICD-10-PCS mapping* CMS General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs)
RxNormU.S. National Library of Medicine
LOINCRegenstrief Institute
SNOMEDUMLS Terminology Services — SNOMED CT
MEDDRAInternational Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH)
ATC/DDDWorld Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology
*Enables mapping according to the methods developed by the Sentinel ICD-10 Workgroup for "Forward & Backward", "Forward", and "Backward" mapping.