This publications search provides an entry for Group and Investigator associated publications. Please use the associated fields to refine your search for publications. The Group section will auto-populate from selections within the Department.

The 2022 RSV surge was driven by multiple viral lineages. (Pubmed Abstract)

Association of Severe Bronchiolitis during Infancy with Childhood Asthma Development: An Analysis of the ECHO Consortium. (Pubmed Abstract)

Associations of Neighborhood Opportunity and Social Vulnerability With Trajectories of Childhood Body Mass Index and Obesity Among US Children. (Pubmed Abstract)

A meta-analysis of pre-pregnancy maternal body mass index and placental DNA methylation identifies 27 CpG sites with implications for mother-child health. (Pubmed Abstract)

Prenatal Antidepressant Exposures and Autism Spectrum Disorder or Traits: A Retrospective, Multi-Cohort Study. (Pubmed Abstract)