Joshua Petimar

Joshua Petimar, ScD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Medicine at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard Medical School. His work is focused on the effects of public health nutrition policies on diet quality.

Dongdong Li

Dongdong Li is an Instructor at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard Medical School, where her research primarily focuses on developing statistical methodologies for analyzing complex datasets. Her latest contributions have centered on addressing challenges posed by incomplete event history data, particularly under complex censoring mechanisms like informatively and interval-censored data. Dongdong is also actively involved in developing methods for analyzing such data in clustered settings.

Tom Chen

Tom Chen is an Instructor in the Department of Population Medicine at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute. His research areas encompass topics in missing data, correlated data, and statistical computing. These three topics are becoming increasing intertwined in cluster randomized trials and EHR data, which are often afflicted with complex inter-dependencies and missing observations. When not accounted for, missing data and correlated data lead to parameter bias and inefficiency.

Alon Peltz

Alon Peltz, MD MBA MHS, is an Assistant Professor of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Attending Pediatrician at Boston Children's Hospital. His research focuses on population health and spans the domains of quality measurement, health and social policy, and human-centered design.

Annual Fletcher Prize Awarded

We are pleased to announce that Sanjay Kishore and Margaret Hayden, both students at Harvard Medical School, have been selected to receive the annual Fletcher Prize in Population Medicine.  The Fletcher Prize is awarded by the Department for the best paper on a topic in Population Medicine written by a Harvard Medical School or Harvard School of Dental Medicine student.

Sheryl Kluberg

Sheryl Kluberg, PhD, SM, is a Research Scientist in the Therapeutics and Infectious Disease Epidemiology group at the Department of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute. She received her PhD in Epidemiology from Boston University School of Public Health and her SM in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health.


Current News | News Archive

September 2023

Chanu Rhee received an R01 award from AHRQ titled, ‘Electronic Surveillance for Hospital-Onset Sepsis to Expand Detection of Serious Healthcare-Associated Infections ’. This project will use retrospective HCA and CMS data to assess hospital-onset Adult Sepsis Events vs.